Curated insights that drive higher quality deals
Use automatic, trusted, and regularly refreshed people and company insights to build quality deal flow. Confidently qualify, prioritize, and connect with the right companies and people—both inside and outside your network—without scanning disparate data sources. Whether you’re in Affinity, your email, a virtual meeting, or your browser, access the deal data you need where you’re working.
Affinity Data
Our proprietary data engine that can be used across the platform without restrictions including over API, within analytics reporting, and via export.
- Industry
- Keywords
- LinkedIn URL
- Location
- Phone Number
- Current Job Title
- Current Organization
- Current Organization Headcount
- Current Job Functions
- Current Job Seniorities
- Current Job Start Date
- Education
- Job Titles
- LinkedIn Profile Headline
- Years of Experience
- Description
- Industry
- Location
- Number of Employees
- Year Founded
- LinkedIn URL (Founders/CEOs)
- Location
- Investment Stage
- Investors
- Last Funding Amount (USD)
- Last Funding Date
- Total Funding Amount (USD)
- Employee Departures: Last 3 Months (#)
- Employee Departures: Lst 3 Months (%)
- Employee Departures: Last 3 Months (Leadership)
- Employee Hires: Last 3 Months (#)
- Employee Hires: Last 3 Months (%)
- Employee Hires: Last 3 Months (Leadership)
- Employees (Current)
- Employees: 1 Month Ago
- Employees: 3 Months Ago
- Employees: 6 Months Ago
- Employees: 12 Months Ago
- Employees: 24 Months Ago
- Employees: Growth MoM (%)
- Employees: Growth QoQ (%)
- Employees: Growth YoY (%)
Pitchbook Data
Affinity integrated data partner. Requires Pitchbook subscription. Data can be used across the platform without restrictions including over API, within analytics reporting, and via export.
- AUM (USD Millions)
- Number of Employees
- Number of Investment Professionals
- Pitchbook URL
- Description
- Industry
- Location
- Financing Status
- Investees
- Investment Stage
- Investors
- Total Funding Amount
- Last Financing (Post-Money) Valuation
- Last Funding Amount (USD)
- Last Funding Date
Crunchbase Data
Affinity integrated data partner. Data is ‘view only’ with restrictions for use via analytics, for export, and over API.
- Description
- Number of Employees
- Location
- Pitchbook URL
- Industry
- Year Founded
- Investment Stage
- Total Funding Amount
- Last Funding Amount
- Last Funding Date
- Investors
Dealroom Data
Affinity integrated data partner. Data can be used across the platform without restrictions including over API, within analytics reporting, and via export.
- Location
- Ownership Types
- Service Industries
- Technologies
- Year Founded
- Company Status
- Tech Stack
- Current Job Openings
- Dealroom Last Updated UTC
- Last Funding Amount (EUR)
- Total Funding Amount (EUR)
- Investors
- Last Funding Date
- Last Funding Investors
- Last Funding Valuation (EUR)
- Last Month Twitter Followers
- Last Month Change in Twitter Followers
- Last Month Twitter Favorites
- Total Tweets
- Core Side Value
- Sustainable Development
- Founders
- Has Strong Founder
- Has Exceptional Founder
- Team Members