Deal management

Win deals faster

Transform how you evaluate and close opportunities with purpose-built automations and AI-driven insights
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Product shot - Kanban board with cards displaying data including Owner, Priority, Last contact, Next steps and IndustryProduct shot: Company Kanban card including Owner, Priority, Last Contact, Next Steps and Industry

Manage your deals to close faster

Manual deal tracking and scattered information slow down investment decisions. Centralize your pipeline with automated activity capture and real-time status updates. 

All your deal data together in one place

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Automatically keep all deal information, interactions, and documents organized in one place for all your team to access.

Automate pipeline tracking

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Monitor deal progress with automated status updates, custom priority fields, and clear visibility into next steps.

Access deals anywhere

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Manage your pipeline and access deal insights directly from your inbox, browser, and the Affinity mobile app.

Product shot: Deal Flow Kan Ban board with categories New, Won, Lost, On HoldProduct shot: Company profile card with Owner and date of Last Contact
Product shot: Affinity Notetaker transcript from recent meetingProduct shot - Affinity Notetaker pop-up with options to View Note or View Transcript

Keep everyone aligned on deals

Coordinating deal stages across teams often leads to missed deadlines and delayed decisions. Standardize your approach with automated workflows.

Structure your pipeline stages

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Create consistent deal qualification and progression criteria across investment teams.

Streamline due diligence

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Capture meeting insights with AI-powered notes and organize reference calls in one searchable platform.

Manage team meetings effectively

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Run efficient Monday morning meetings with Kanban board views showcasing real-time pipeline insights and action items.

Make your deal processes better

Improving deal execution requires understanding what works. Monitor team performance and deal patterns to refine your approach and increase win rates.

Track team and deal performance

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Monitor key pipeline metrics and team activity with customizable dashboards to understand deal progression and identify the practices that close deals faster.

Share deal insights securely

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Keep external stakeholders aligned using Collaborator Seats to share relevant deal information and updates.

Maintain momentum to close

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Automate follow-ups, set reminders, and use AI-driven insights to keep deals moving forward efficiently.

Product shot - Collaborators list with users' names, last active date, status, saved views, and typeProduct shot: Dianne Russel has invited you as a Collaborator with button to Join Affinity