Building an efficient VC tech stack and driving adoption across your entire firm

Marcy Park
Product Manager

Pedro Carrasco
Sr. Manager Operations
Munich Re Ventures
As we continue to see competition in the market grow around a much smaller pool of high quality venture opportunities, dealmakers who have already prioritized investment in an agile tech stack find themselves at a distinct advantage, with others now racing to keep up.
In this webinar, we’ll hear from Pedro Carrasco, Sr Manager Operations, Munich Re Ventures on how he and his team have built a tech stack with efficiency and scalability at its core, and strategies they’ve deployed to increase adoption of new technologies across the firm.
What you’ll learn:
- How to innovate your tech stack to prioritize efficiency and scalability with example use cases
- How to build analytics into your reporting structure and leverage data within the Affinity platform
- Best practices for driving firm-wide adoption of new technologies and the Affinity CRM