3 ways to increase deal origination in Salesforce

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M&A origination strategies are changing due to lower valuations, driven by the higher cost of capital and reduced margins.Targets have become more tolerant of lower valuations. Because of that, investment banking (IB) and private equity (PE) firms must lead with a relationship-driven approach, and they need to get their timing right. 

Our latest guide explores how financial services firms can create an effective outbound strategy using Salesforce. It also takes a look at the key challenges and the improvements that lead to more successful deal origination.

Download the guide today or keep reading to get a preview of what’s inside.

M&A outbound challenges

Effective M&A outreach requires identifying and engaging ideal companies with the right messaging, through the right people, at a time when they’re open to acquisition. 

But achieving this is easier said than done. Here are major challenges firms face:

  • Discovering accounts 
  • Effective messaging 
  • Accessing Salesforce data

Download the guide to learn more about how to solve these challenges.

Identify target firms faster with data automation and enrichment

Salesforce requires manual data entry for record creation, activity (including emails and meetings), and updates to accounts and contacts. This interrupts a dealmaker’s workflow, taking them away from high-value activities like researching, qualifying, and engaging with companies. It also leads to information gaps that force deal teams to spend extra time researching opportunities, which in turn slows down outreach and deals. 

Having accurate, up-to-date information on the accounts and contacts in your firm’s orbit is crucial to effective outreach. By removing  the burden of manual data entry, automation boosts productivity, and ensures more time is spent on revenue-driving activities.

Create an outreach strategy that gets results with relationship intelligence

Relationships play a critical role in connecting you with target companies. But that can only happen when you know the true strength of relationships across your firm’s collective network. 

Relationship intelligence assesses your firm’s entire network to reveal key relationship information that can help accelerate deal origination and management. Insights include the strength of relationships, a timeline of the relationship, and the context of the engagement.

Then when it’s time to reach out, relationship intelligence can uncover the warmest paths of introduction—which can help close a deal 25% faster. This is why having relationship intelligence inside your Salesforce instance is critical.

Read more on how relationship intelligence gives your outbound a cutting edge.

Drive deals forward with easy access to company and engagement data

Switching between Salesforce, email, and the many websites and tools you use to engage with prospects is time consuming. It impedes your workflow and leads to crossed wires or missed information that stalls or even loses deals.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Imagine being able to access all of your firm’s Salesforce data from your inbox or inbox. Or, picture being able to create and edit Salesforce records from the platforms you already use to drive deals forward. 

Read the 3 ways to increase deal origination using your Salesforce data guide to learn more.  

Affinity for Salesforce: Relationship intelligence and automation for M&A dealmakers

Affinity for Salesforce eliminates manual data entry by automatically creating and updating Salesforce records using inbox and calendar activity. It enriches those records with relationship and market insights. And it helps dealmakers find warm introduction paths, identify and qualify new opportunities, and accelerate deal velocity. 

Research, screen, and qualify deals faster with Affinity for Salesforce.


Camille Nguyễn
Senior Content Marketing Strategist
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