Become an operational hero: set your team and tech up for deal success

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Jamie Fronckowiak
Product Manager
Caroline Haun
Operations Director
Nolan English
Director of Portfolio Services

Right now, it’s essential for firms to find ways to do more with less while also maintaining healthy deal flow. More and more firms are becoming hyper focused on how they can move on the right deals faster, further strengthen their most valuable relationships, and collaborate more effectively as a team.

In this breakout session specifically tailored for the operational champions of Affinity —Caroline Haun (8VC) and Nolan English (SOSV) will share insights, stories, and best practices on how they’ve enabled their firm to be more successful and efficient in their dealmaking and supporting portfolio companies. 

This will be a free-flowing discussion that is open to question so please bring your ideas for the speakers and the room full of operators about Affinity’s automation, relationship intelligence, enrichment, and API/integrations.

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