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Median number of contacts added per user, organized by all firms, top 20, and firms like yours

Find out if top firms prioritized network building last year and how this impacted deal flow. Explore differences by firm size and region.

Median number of emails sent and received per user, organized by all firms, top 20, and firms like yours

See how VC engagement is evolving and compare how firms of your size and region performed against peers.

Median number of deals added per firm, organized by all firms, top 20, and firms like yours

Understand trends in deal volume and learn why certain firms snap up the most deals. Discover where firms of your size and region stand.

About our data

The top firms cited here are defined by Dealroom in their global rankings as: “A ranking of venture capital investors, based anywhere, investing in companies anywhere, and at any stage. The ranking looks at how successful investors are at picking startups that go on to big outcomes – primarily looking at unicorns and future unicorns (companies valued $250M-$1B). Investments are weighted by the stage at which firms invest in the most successful companies, with the aim of creating insights from a level playing field, e.g. most points for backing a unicorn at Seed, then Series A and so on.”

Analysis of Dealroom's rankings alongside our global data set of more than 3,000 VC firm customers (who we refer to as “all firms”) revealed that more than half of the top firms use Affinity. We refer to the top 20 of this cohort as “top firms.”

The platform data displayed represents dealmaking trends across top firms globally, all firms globally, and firms of your selected size and region. The data is aggregated and anonymized and we have used median figures to provide an accurate picture of how the market has evolved on a quarterly basis from the beginning of 2023 until the end of the first quarter of 2024.