Relationship intelligence for all your communities

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At Campfire 2023, Affinity announced new ways for our clients to share their network and deal data with a broader community of users. Delivered through Collaborator Seats, these capabilities better support their portfolio companies and provide more visibility to investors.

We hear from Partners, Associates, and platform leads at investment firms that they have wanted a way to share data from their CRM in a secure way. Until now that has not been an easy task. For example, a General Partner (GP) wants to share a list of contacts their firm has in companies that match the ICP of a portfolio company. Today they will often share a one off spreadsheet that becomes out of date very quickly. Now the new Affinity collaboration capabilities mean that list can be shared securely and will be constantly up to date over time.

There is similar need for GPs to share data with their LPs, such as investment opportunities, deal flow, and portfolio engagement. Collaborating with all the communities that investors work with will be a lot more secure and valuable. 

With Collaborator Seats, firms will be able to: 

  • Help portfolio companies secure a round of funding round or acquisition by collaborating on a list of potential co-investors/acquirers 
  • Provide portfolio companies with a list of potential vendors and customers—or actively support talent acquisition with a list of key people in their network 
  • Give LPs visibility into their pipeline and deliver confidence that funds are being deployed wisely
  • Collaborate with industry advisors and co-investors on a list of target companies 

We are making these collaboration capabilities through new Collaborator Seats. Our existing Affinity Premium and Enterprise customers will have access to a number of these collaboration licenses, with the opportunity to add more if they need to.

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