New Affinity features to increase collaboration and data tracking

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Affinity users can now take advantage of several new product releases designed to make your dealmaking process faster and more data-driven. To take a deeper dive into the new features and understand how they can improve your workflows, watch the webinar.

Or, keep reading for the highlights.

Features and workflow: A summary

Our latest updates fall in line with two core goals: 

  • Efficiency: Improving how (and how fast) dealmakers move through their workflows and capture daily insights.
  • Optimization: Making the most of dealmakers’ time, resources, and the relationship data they have to use.   

In short, we want to make your lives easier, faster, and more effective so you can focus on what matters most: building and maintaining the relationships that power your success. We were extra focused this quarter on providing significant value to users in the work that they do and enabling them to execute faster.

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Collaborate easily with multiple-entity tagging

Starts at 08:17

We’ve made changes to how you can capture and share knowledge with your team, while ensuring that you’re able to use your time more effectively without sacrificing the quality of the data and where it’s being housed. With our newest notes features, you can: 

  • Tag multiple companies, people, and opportunities (multiple-entity tagging) to a single note in Affinity.
  • Take notes directly from the Navigation bar, which is available throughout all of the different workflows you have inside Affinity.
  • Easily view and reference all notes and logged interactions.

Fully customize app and email notifications  

Starts at 12:48

We know that every user has different responsibilities and workflows, and how and why team members use Affinity varies. When done right, notifications serve as an important signal in your day-to-day life. Preference on the volume and frequency of notifications, however, is highly individual. We wanted to give Affinity users full control over the notifications they receive, and how frequently they’re sent out. Affinity users can now:

  • Customize which types of content and changes in your CRM you get web app and email notifications for.
  • Opt-in for weekly email notifications.
  • See a full history of notifications from the navigation bar. 

Stay updated and aligned with new weekly digests

Starts at 18:30 

Even the most organized of firms can fall prey to information overload (or overwhelm). With the rollout of our new weekly digests sent via email, Affinity users can stay up-to-date on notes and reminder activity across their team and on deals in their pipeline. In addition to curating when and where you receive notifications, as mentioned above, Affinity users can now:

  • Get a regular, focused look into what you have to do next to advance deals or collaborate with your team, sent straight to your inbox. Perfect for on-the-go and at your desk.
  • Click on any note and return to the CRM where you can act on that note’s information.
  • Stay updated on all projects with clean and complete information presented in one place.

Combine custom data with opportunity reports (for Partners)

Starts at 22:30 

Affinity Data provides data points in three company categories: Firmographic, funding, and growth. At the same time, there is also custom data that is specific to a firm. Say, for example, you're looking to invest in startups founded by underrepresented groups. You might create a custom data point that can show a founder’s background and how they identify. We wanted to ensure you can create intuitive visualizations in Affinity Analytics for your opportunity lists using Affinity Data or the custom data points that your team tracks. With opportunity reports, Affinity users can: 

  • Act on key external changes to companies in your pipeline.
  • Optimize outreach efforts by better visualizing opportunities by industry/location/stage.
  • Keep up with companies you previously passed on.

Preview: Row level calculations (for Associates) 

Starts at 40:00 

We’re excited to preview a feature that lets Affinity users do horizontal calculations (across multiple columns for a single row) in sheets view in Lists. With row level calculations, users can: 

  • Roll up a Total Amount column, or get an average deal score for a particular company more efficiently .
  • Do calculations automatically in Affinity lists—no exporting or manual math needed.

Look out for further information on when this feature reaches general release.

To find out how to get the most out of Affinity, watch the whole webinar—including product demos. You’ll learn how to:

  • Simplify your workflows
  • Use enhanced profiles for better team collaboration
  • Find and close high-quality deals
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