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ISSUE 001 - March 2023

“In most cases the best deals aren’t going to come to you, you have to find them.”

In less than 20 words, Kyra Durko, Principal at Two Sigma Ventures, summed up why outbound sourcing is so important right now.

Find out how she optimizes outreach—along with best practices from other top VCs—in the dealmaker’s email playbook.

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3 ways to become a more efficient dealmaker

Stuck chasing the same ‘safe bets’ as your competition? Check out this infographic for tips on making better data-driven decisions.


An executive’s perspective on dealmaking in 2023

Affinity’s Co-CEO, Ray Zhou, is a regular Forbes contributor. Get his take on what’s changing about the way investors approach dealmaking.


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How to source deals efficiently with Buoyant Ventures

Amy Francetic is a VC with 25+ years of experience in energy and high technology. She also just raised the largest first-time female-owned venture fund outside of the coasts ($81.7 million).

From deal sourcing and portfolio management to keeping LPs engaged before your next fundraising round, she shared her advice on working more efficiently in 2023.

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“I truly believe that one's relationship set is the most important data in their life. It's the most important piece of data on your hard drive, and for the most part, it really belongs to you as an individual, and you want to nurture it and build it through your lifetime.”

Brian Smiga, Partner & Co-Founder, Alpha Partners

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